One of the reasons I started selling lampshade supplies is because of the number of times I was asked where to buy styrene to make custom made lamp shades.

Lampshade paper (also known as styrene, adhesive styrene, lampshade styrene backing, styrene lampshade liner, or pressure sensitive styrene for lampshades) is a fantastic product that you can use to laminate fabric or paper or leaves or feathers or wallpaper or anything that takes your fancy really, and turn it into a beautiful handmade lampshade that you won't be able to find anywhere else. Absolutely unique!
Adhesive styrene, or lampshade paper as I like to call it, is so easy to use and gives a crafty person endless options to create lampshades you love, and then new ones when you change your mind, again ;-)
All you do is peel back the backing paper and laminate your fabric onto the sticky plastic. Its just like covering school books with contact, but without the fiddly folding and sticky cutting.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
For full colour, detailed, tried and tested FREE instructions on how to make your own beautiful lampshades just click the button below.
And you guessed it, you can buy styrene for lampshades right here on this site - just head to my lampshade making supplies page. You can order 1m, 2m or 5m rolls. Longer rolls also available. Or you might like to start with a 3Chooks DIY Lampshade Kit.
Happy lampshade making!
Anna xo
Is this still avail to buy, I need 2 metres, is it sturdier than heavy vinyl contact ie support top & bottom rings of lamp shade without side support? Cost and postage to Cleveland QLD please & thank you
Hi guys I’m interested to buy material to make my own lamps
Hi Guys. I’m interested in getting a roll of sticky styrene. Single sided. And was wondering how much the fieght would be to Mulgrave in Melbourne. For one and if it would be better to get two?
Hear from you soon.
Cheers Liuda
Dear 3 Chooks
Would appreciate knowing where I can source adhesive styrene to back some rice paper for a lamp.
Many thanks Ana
Hi I am looking to buy 10 metre of lampshade styrene either self adhesive or plane and would like to no the cost and how quickly you can supply this to me . I live in the South Island .
many thanks
Rosa Reed